YouTube Announces A New Commenting System, Powered By Google+, With Threaded, Ranked And Private Conversations

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YouTube today announced a new commenting system that will be powered by Google+. The system, which is launching on channel discussion tabs this week before rolling out to all videos over the next few weeks and months, will automatically rank comments and feature threaded and private conversations.


Right now, YouTube comments are a hotbed for spam and idiocy, something Google is painfully aware of. The new system aims to fix this by personalizing and ranking comments for each individual user.


jivago‘s insight:

Es una gran noticia la socialización de los comentarios que se había quedado muy obsoleto.


Esperemos que no sea también un paso mas en el monopolio y que el paso a G+ no conlleve exclusividades como los vídeos de G+ que solo pueden cargarse desde YouTube obligando a quien los tenga en otra plataforma a cambiarlos

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